Carol Flexer, Ph.D, Audiologist
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
The University of Akron and North East
Ohio Au.D. Consortium (N.O.A.C.)
Akron, Ohio, USA.
Dr. Flexer received her Doctorate in Audiology from Kent State University in 1982.
She was at the university of Akron for 25 years as a distinguished Professor of Audiology in the School of Speech-Language, Pathology and Audiology.
Special areas of expertise include Paediatric and educational Audiology. She continues to lecture internationally and has authored over 150 publications.
Dr. Flexer’s talks, Seminars and Work Shops focus on the development and expansion of listening, Speaking and literacy skill of Infants and children including those with all degrees of hearing loss. She is licensed as an Audiologist and holds a CCC/A and the LSLS Cert. AVT.
Dr. Flexer has lectured in Ireland on a number of occasions. Those lucky enough to have attended will readily talk about how her presentations have impacted on them and how important her message is.
Please click on the following link to access Dr. Flexer’s web site • www.CarolFlexer.com
Soundfield and Remote Microphone Manufacturer Presentations
Throughout the lifetime of this website, we will add on useful videos and links that will help you to carry out frontline maintenance and better understand the functions of your Cloisim Soundfield or Personal Communication
Classroom Amplification System.
These videos are just one example of the commitment to the service we provide, with pride.
Contact us with any service, equipment or technical question, we're always here to help.

ROGER Touchscreen Microphone
Accessory Setup
ROGER Touchscreen Microphone
Functions and Initial Setup.
PHONAK ROGER Integrated Receiver Setup and Maintenance.
Setup and Functions.
Quick Links:
How To Videos • What is a Soundfield? • Why Use Soundfields?
Cloisim Classroom Audio Remote Mic Classroom Audio System Information.
Classroom Audio Manufacturer Links

Quick Links:
How To Videos • What is a Soundfield? • Why Use Soundfields?
Quick Links:
How To Videos • What is a Soundfield? • Why Use Soundfields?

Dr. Flexer in conjunction with leading manufacturers has put together a series of mini presentations in relation to Auditory Pathway development in young Children, with and without hearing loss, and how it and other issues impact on their ability process the spoken word in the classroom environment.
• Better listening
Better hearing results and improved learning
• Less repetition
Teachers can spend less time repeating themselves and more time getting on with the lesson
• An orderly classroom
Teachers are better able to give instructions and manage their students
• Greater vocal comfort
Teachers don't have to raise their voices to be heard
• Combined performance
Maximise understanding for kids with a personal communication system.
The use of SoundField Systems not only benefits Children with hearing loss but also everybody else in the Classroom.
Scientific research suggests that Children up to the age of about 16 do not possess the same auditory processing skills as adults, and so struggle to hear the spoken word in noisy environments.
Soundfields also benefit in many other ways including, protecting the Teachers voice, Aiding students with processing disorders and Students whose first language is not English.
Quick Links:
How To Videos • What is a Soundfield? • Why Use Soundfields?
Helpful Links / Resources
The Ewing Foundation is a UK national charity, promoting inclusion and achievement for deaf children through listening and speaking.
Our New Ears is an organisation for parents of deaf children with cochlear implants, run by parents of deaf children, in Ireland.
Since its foundation in 1995, the National Cochlear Implant Programme at Beaumont Hospital has been providing high quality care for adults and children with severe to profound hearing loss.
Facebook: Our New Ears. Facebook manager: Rachel Broderick.
Twitter @ournewears. Tweets by Michelle Fitzgerald.
Email: . Managed by Lorraine Murphy.
The HSE provide a comprehensive, family-friendly and integrated screening, diagnostic and habilitative audiology service for babies and children of all ages.
The National Deaf Children's Society was founded in London on 15 December 1944 by a handful of parents of deaf children concerned about the impact of the 1944 Education Act on their schooling.
+ 353-86-7755880

Why Use Soundfields?
Parent / Teacher Resources
Setup and Functions.
Speaker Installation
How-To Video
(Wall Bracket / Tripod / Stand)
ROGER ON Microphone
Functions and Initial Setup.
Set-Up Tripod
How-To Video
Wall Mount Install
How-To Video