How the technology and service for those with hearing loss has evolved over my four decades in Audiology.
By Eoin Roche M.D
The 1980's
In the summer of 1981, an era of
massive unemployment, I was lucky
enough to land a Job as a trainee
Audiologist with P.C Werth
Ireland Ltd. After a year of
training, the firm was sold
on to Bonavox Ltd., and it
was from here that I worked
all things Audiology, but
especially Education
for the following 38 years.
My earliest involvement in this sector was helping install desk mounted amplifiers with headphones, worn by the Students, which were hard wired to a Master Amplifier controlled by the Teacher.
The 1990's
Within a few years there was
a major technological
advancement with the
introduction of the first wireless
Radio Aid system. This allowed
those with hearing loss to attend
mainstream schools for the first
time. A body worn Receiver connected
to the Hearing Aids by way of a lead, was coupled to a body worn transmitter/microphone worn by the Teacher. The launch of the Radio Aid meant that we had to re-examine our service procedure and protocol. It was becoming increasingly evident that without the use of this System, Students with hearing loss would be left isolated as they could hear little of what was being said. Although there were advancements in the frequency selection, which allowed greater flexibility when setting up a system in a specialist Schools, we had to wait 17 years before we made our next big leap forward.
The Early 2000's
It was that time we witnessed
the first of the Micro Receivers,
to replace those previously worn
on the body. While there
was no improvement in the
quality of the signal (indeed it
could be easily argued that
their introduction led to an
increase in the amount of white noise on the signal), there was a massive improvement in the aesthetic
of the Radio Aid. Younger children often struggled with the leads on the Body worn Receivers, while older Students openly rejected them, due to their size. The Micro Receiver placed on the base of the hearing aid/Cochlear Implant made life much easier for all concerned.
The Late 2000's
The end of the 2000's saw
the Radio Aid finally catch
up with the Hearing Aid
and the launch of the first
digital signal. It was still run
on a single FM frequency, but for the first time the signal could be altered digitally to automatically increase and decrease the gain depending on the background noise. There was an immediate increase of about 30% in perception of speech in noise, over traditional analogue FM.
In 2009 Bonavox was sold to Widex, a multi-national Hearing Aid manufacturer.
The 2010's
In 2012 a decision was
made by Widex to
discontinue the service
to education. After
much discussion, the service was moved to
DeafHear (now Chime), a national charity for those with hearing loss.
In 2014 Phonak, a Company specialising in hearing aid and remote microphone technology launched the Roger Platform which once again proved to be a ground-breaking technological advancement. Gone was the single frequency transmission. It was replaced by an intelligent Bluetooth type signal, which unlike the standard signal, automatically switched to a new frequency if the one being occupied experienced interference. Since then, the Roger Receiver has been integrated into the battery tray of the hearing aid/Cochlear Implant.
Along with the Receiver advancements there have been great improvements in the functionality of the Transmitters/Microphones used by Teachers. Recently many Manufacturers have launched products with internal software which, when activated allows the user to capture speech from
a remote microphone, without the addition of any hardware.
The 2020's
It doesn't need to be said
again but2020/21 was a
difficult time for everybody.
The pandemic, coupled with some challenging personal events, clarified my vision. It was time for a change, a change for the good. So, after being a good servant to some of the best audiology companies in Ireland I decided to follow my passion, my own direction. Cloisim was born, and, with real clear vision.
Those who know me know I'm evangelical about my profession and the impact it can have. I love what I do and have witnessed first hand the profound difference audio equality in the classroom can make to families, students and educators.
The Cloisim mission statement is my vision:
to affordably provide the best available technology together with service backed by the industry experience and knowledge.
The Future, Together.
Cloisim provides
proven and
trusted classroom
audio systems while
staying up to
speed on
emerging advances
in classroom
sound delivery.
It's my belief that
the ever-improving
technology will
mean that the diagnosis of
hearing loss become less
and less of an impediment to
leading a full, happy, and productive life.
Call me anytime at + 353867755880
to discuss your Classroom Audio
needs... This is my passion and
I'd be delighted to talk.
Mise Le Meas,
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